Daily Class Masses have the following preselection:
- The Gloria is omitted
- As in daily mass, there is one reading
- The Responsorial Psalm is sung with two verses
- The Gospel Acclamation is sung; the verse is omitted
- The Eucharistic Acclamations are sung once without the intoning of a cantor
- The Lord’s Prayer is recited
All-School Masses have the following preselection:
- The Gloria is sung
- As in daily mass, there is a first reading and a Gospel reading
- Second readings are included for Solemnities (i.e. All Saints, Immaculate Conception)
- The Responsorial Psalm is sung with two verses
- The Gospel Acclamation is sung with a seasonal verse
- The Eucharistic Acclamations are sung once without the intoning of a cantor
- The Lord’s Prayer is sung
CSS covers the following licenses within a purchased, annual subscription:
- Reprint License (Worship Aids)
- Reprint License (Sheet Music Arrangements)
- Mechanical License (Midi Files)
- Practice-Track License (Voice Memos, audio-only files for rehearsal usage only)
- Synchronization License (Sing Along videos & instructional video playlists)
CSS maintains annual agreements with various publishers, whose copyright acknowledgements are always reflected directly in CSS content.